@damien_henri @MacLesggy N'importe quoi. Les OGM Bt évitent précisément l'utilisation d'insecticides. Ex avec du coton Bt en Chine : https://t.co/DmjkhPwgpO Ou ici en Arizona : https://t.co/yvEwzAhg7h Et je ne vous parle même pas de la formidable aubergin
“Don’t Let the Perfect be the Enemy of the Good”. Discover the story from American Entomologist about the development of eggplant in Bangladesh and how biotechnology has improved the lives of resource-poor farmers. Read now: https://t.co/gWC9tadQbk @Entsoc
@GlennAndr7 @CaluGuillaume @Thomas_Auriel @wufert @saprinti @DurocYann Je vous l'ai donné : https://t.co/9OOFmJxTGt
@GlennAndr7 @ncapeyronSABA Bof comme argument. Regardez à quelle vitesse les petits paysans du Bangladesh ont adopté l'aubergine OGM Bt et pourtant là, il faut racheter tous les ans des graines : https://t.co/zSdXOPbg28 https://t.co/E0CMtLXC2Z
@berenson_saul @Sebasti29415384 @agric15 Vous voulez une réponse argumentée, regardez le succès de l'aubergine OGM Bt auprès des paysans du Bangladesh : "Aubergine Bt : un témoignage personnel sur l'utilisation de la biotechnologie pour améliorer la vie d
@DurocYann @EmmanuelleD1 En bon complément de ce documentaire, "Aubergine Bt : un témoignage personnel sur l'utilisation de la biotechnologie pour améliorer la vie des agriculteurs pauvres en ressources" : par un des chercheurs à l'origine de ce projet : h
@DenisD100268 @CecileDuflot @BenoitBiteau @Ccesoir @sebastien_abis @emma_ducros @foodevo_lefilm Il faut cliquer sur CC pour avoir le sous-titrage Français Plus d'informations sur cette aubergine là : https://t.co/iSF1PxmmOZ
@mimilous @AgriSkippy @FelixTuchais Vous allez m'expliquer en quoi les OGM Bt comme l'aubergine Bt du Bangladesh augmente la consommation de pesticides. 🙃 https://t.co/zSdXOPbg28
@AmisTerriens @emma_ducros Parce que ce paysan du Bangladesh qui cultive des aubergines OGM a l'air malheureux ? 🤔 https://t.co/gIQ8re9VSn https://t.co/zR1CFPYvwJ
RT @FarmingFutureBD: Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers in Bangladesh. @S…
A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers #BioTechnology #biotech via https://t.co/OCa6qxtVDQ https://t.co/qkOFF4Q2ZI
RT @FarmingFutureBD: Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers in Bangladesh. @S…
A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers #BioTechnology #biotech via https://t.co/V7FfW08zbr https://t.co/vTbgUfgvFV
RT @arifromel: Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers https://t.co/ycXFRLNRgA…
RT @arifromel: Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers https://t.co/ycXFRLNRgA…
RT @arifromel: Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers https://t.co/ycXFRLNRgA…
RT @ScienceAlly: One man's story of the lives-changing scientific journey that got Bt brinjal out of the lab and into farmers' fields, as t…
RT @ScienceAlly: One man's story of the lives-changing scientific journey that got Bt brinjal out of the lab and into farmers' fields, as t…
RT @APCoAB: Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers https://t.co/oYIU6SRiAx
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers https://t.co/oYIU6SRiAx
RT @Beepuluv: नेपालमा पनि बंगलादेश हुँदै तरकारी भित्रीन्छ। GMO हो कि हैन नाकामा जांच्न सकिन्न। अनि GMO को के फाइदा छ भन्ने बारे भन्टा तरका…
RT @Beepuluv: नेपालमा पनि बंगलादेश हुँदै तरकारी भित्रीन्छ। GMO हो कि हैन नाकामा जांच्न सकिन्न। अनि GMO को के फाइदा छ भन्ने बारे भन्टा तरका…
नेपालमा पनि बंगलादेश हुँदै तरकारी भित्रीन्छ। GMO हो कि हैन नाकामा जांच्न सकिन्न। अनि GMO को के फाइदा छ भन्ने बारे भन्टा तरकारी को उदाहरण यता छ है।👇️
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @kgupta_7: @PrinSciAdvGoI it is time we move forward on GMO alteast a few crops
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @kgupta_7: @PrinSciAdvGoI it is time we move forward on GMO alteast a few crops
RT @kgupta_7: @PrinSciAdvGoI it is time we move forward on GMO alteast a few crops
@PrinSciAdvGoI it is time we move forward on GMO alteast a few crops
RT @FarmingFutureBD: Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers in Bangladesh. @S…
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @FarmingFutureBD: Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers in Bangladesh. @S…
RT @FarmingFutureBD: Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers in Bangladesh. @S…
Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers in Bangladesh. @ScienceAlly @IPMguy @arifromel @CornellGlobal @eat_modified @ResearchRice @Ftfpotatopjt @GoldenRicePh @USAID_BD Read more here👇 https://t.
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
Sr. Ministro @midagriperu Tome nota que la berenjena transgénica sí ayuda a los pequeños agricultores. No es cierto, como tal vez le hayan dicho sus asesores, que solo sirven para grandes extensiones.
//Opposition groups showed up in force at public discussions, leading the Indian Minister of Environment and Forests .... to commercialization, to overrule GEAC and impose a moratorium on 9 February 2010, which remains active at the time of writing this ar
RT @AgBioWorld: Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh.…
Bangladeshi farmer Md. Khalilur Rahman with a fresh harvest of GMO Bt brinjal in Hijulii of Tangail district, Bangladesh. Photo by Md. Arif Hossain https://t.co/q90wgB0pwB https://t.co/Lx0RnJkk1S
RT @arifromel: Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers https://t.co/ycXFRLNRgA…
RT @ScienceAlly: One man's story of the lives-changing scientific journey that got Bt brinjal out of the lab and into farmers' fields, as t…
RT @arifromel: Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers https://t.co/ycXFRLNRgA…
Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers https://t.co/ycXFRLNRgA @IPMguy @CornellGlobal @ScienceAlly @eat_modified @Bt_eggplant @ResearchRice @Ftfpotatopjt @GoldenRicePh @FarmingFutureBD @USAID_BD
Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers https://t.co/FmZyI4uyxm
RT @ScienceAlly: One man's story of the lives-changing scientific journey that got Bt brinjal out of the lab and into farmers' fields, as t…
RT @ScienceAlly: One man's story of the lives-changing scientific journey that got Bt brinjal out of the lab and into farmers' fields, as t…
RT @aileengarcia_ph: Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers https://t.co/NSUw…
One man's story of the lives-changing scientific journey that got Bt brinjal out of the lab and into farmers' fields, as told by @IPMguy. https://t.co/pv1KjrqKPu
Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers https://t.co/NSUwmen0Xh
@jeffmignon @Tahnael @Instit_Sapiens @emma_ducros @LaurentPahpy @RegnaultRoger @OlivierBabeau @MacLesggy @GeWoessner Bah si... Si vous aviez regardé le reportage, on y parle de partenariat privé-publique où le privé n'a reçu aucun avantage de cette réalisa
@NicolasBrillat @barbara_borgin @Teamkadeal @greenpeacefr Au moins, ça permettra à d'autres d'avoir des informations. 😉 Je conseille d'ailleurs particulièrement le second lien : https://t.co/OqKmmBAWt4
@barbara_borgin @NicolasBrillat @Teamkadeal @greenpeacefr Cet article publié dans une revue scientifique est passionnant. Il raconte l'histoire de cette aubergine OGM Bt : https://t.co/C2BLuupUNQ
RT @agritof80: "Aubergine OGM Bt : Un compte-rendu personnel de l'utilisation de la biotechnologie pour améliorer la vie des agriculteurs p…
@DurocYann C'est à l'origine un papier publié avec DOI : https://t.co/iLzToYbaXg
Bt Eggplant: A Personal Account of Using Biotechnology to Improve the Lives of Resource-Poor Farmers https://t.co/qHaEDa0pou
EntsocAmerica: RT @pcronald: A fabulous first person account of the launching of Bt eggplant in Bangladesh. Shelton asks "Why was Bt brinjal approved in Bangladesh while it is still under a moratorium in India after 11 years, and not yet commercialized i…
RT @pcronald: A fabulous first person account of the launching of Bt eggplant in Bangladesh. Shelton asks "Why was Bt brinjal approved in B…
RT @DavidECastroG: La berenjena Bt en Bangladesh es claro ejemplo de cómo los transgénicos también pueden beneficiar a los pequeños agricul…
RT @DavidECastroG: La berenjena Bt en Bangladesh es claro ejemplo de cómo los transgénicos también pueden beneficiar a los pequeños agricul…
RT @DavidECastroG: La berenjena Bt en Bangladesh es claro ejemplo de cómo los transgénicos también pueden beneficiar a los pequeños agricul…
RT @DavidECastroG: La berenjena Bt en Bangladesh es claro ejemplo de cómo los transgénicos también pueden beneficiar a los pequeños agricul…
RT @DavidECastroG: La berenjena Bt en Bangladesh es claro ejemplo de cómo los transgénicos también pueden beneficiar a los pequeños agricul…
RT @DavidECastroG: La berenjena Bt en Bangladesh es claro ejemplo de cómo los transgénicos también pueden beneficiar a los pequeños agricul…
La berenjena Bt en Bangladesh es claro ejemplo de cómo los transgénicos también pueden beneficiar a los pequeños agricultores y al ambiente. Semillas desarrolladas localmente, extensión agraria y libre de regalías. Aquí la historia contada primera mano👇 h
@AntoineSolaire @WilliamKrampsB @OSS117_Helsinki @CovaFlorian Un peu de lecture pour vous puisqu’apparemment vous êtes attaché aux faits https://t.co/421EjJYUkj
RT @FarmingFutureBD: “Studies in Bangladesh have demonstrated the economic n health benefits of Bt brinjal..The same study indicated that B…
RT @FarmingFutureBD: “Studies in Bangladesh have demonstrated the economic n health benefits of Bt brinjal..The same study indicated that B…
RT @FarmingFutureBD: “Studies in Bangladesh have demonstrated the economic n health benefits of Bt brinjal..The same study indicated that B…
RT @FarmingFutureBD: “Studies in Bangladesh have demonstrated the economic n health benefits of Bt brinjal..The same study indicated that B…
RT @ScienceAlly: "We need to move forward and use biotechnology—including Bt, other insecticidal proteins and gene editing—to improve IPM i…
RT @FarmingFutureBD: “Studies in Bangladesh have demonstrated the economic n health benefits of Bt brinjal..The same study indicated that B…
RT @pcronald: A fabulous first person account of the launching of Bt eggplant in Bangladesh. Shelton asks "Why was Bt brinjal approved in B…
“Studies in Bangladesh have demonstrated the economic n health benefits of Bt brinjal..The same study indicated that Bt brinjal farmers saved 61% of pesticide costs.”- Shelton. @arifromel @Sarah_Evanega @IPMguy @Cornell @ScienceAlly @USAID_BD @Bt_eggplant
RT @ScienceAlly: "We need to move forward and use biotechnology—including Bt, other insecticidal proteins and gene editing—to improve IPM i…
RT @pcronald: A fabulous first person account of the launching of Bt eggplant in Bangladesh. Shelton asks "Why was Bt brinjal approved in B…
RT @pcronald: A fabulous first person account of the launching of Bt eggplant in Bangladesh. Shelton asks "Why was Bt brinjal approved in B…
RT @pcronald: A fabulous first person account of the launching of Bt eggplant in Bangladesh. Shelton asks "Why was Bt brinjal approved in B…
RT @pcronald: A fabulous first person account of the launching of Bt eggplant in Bangladesh. Shelton asks "Why was Bt brinjal approved in B…
We need more leaders like Matia Chowdhury. #GMO #Bt https://t.co/VA9ExwmhY5
A fabulous first person account of the launching of Bt eggplant in Bangladesh. Shelton asks "Why was Bt brinjal approved in Bangladesh while it is still under a moratorium in India after 11 years, and not yet commercialized in the Philippines?" https://t.c
RT @astropierre: Intéressant récit sur l'histoire de l'adoption, par un nombre de + en + grand de fermiers au Bengladesh, d'aubergines géné…
RT @astropierre: Intéressant récit sur l'histoire de l'adoption, par un nombre de + en + grand de fermiers au Bengladesh, d'aubergines géné…
Bringing biotechnology to resource farmers in Bangladesh., https://t.co/cWh0oDQtPc
RT @astropierre: Intéressant récit sur l'histoire de l'adoption, par un nombre de + en + grand de fermiers au Bengladesh, d'aubergines géné…
RT @astropierre: Intéressant récit sur l'histoire de l'adoption, par un nombre de + en + grand de fermiers au Bengladesh, d'aubergines géné…
RT @astropierre: Intéressant récit sur l'histoire de l'adoption, par un nombre de + en + grand de fermiers au Bengladesh, d'aubergines géné…
RT @astropierre: Intéressant récit sur l'histoire de l'adoption, par un nombre de + en + grand de fermiers au Bengladesh, d'aubergines géné…
RT @agritof80: "Aubergine OGM Bt : Un compte-rendu personnel de l'utilisation de la biotechnologie pour améliorer la vie des agriculteurs p…